Monday, October 29, 2012

Peace In The Midst of The Storm

My wife is a true worshipper, she worships in spirit and with her whole heart.  Amongst the various worships hymns that she sings there is one in Spanish which speaks depths of truth with but few words, 
"Hay paz en medio de la tormenta."

As I write this blog from the 'safety' of Lima, Peru I am in prayer for my friends and family in the North Eastern portion of the United States.  I think of my family, friends and acquaintances who are going to be facing what may end up being the largest storm in the recorded history of the United States.

It is not my desire to speak on the question of whether this is divine judgment or happenstance.  I don't care whether it's mostly hype or a governmental ploy.  I am not concerning myself as to whether this is the wrath of God or simply an undirected natural occurrence.  

What I would like to speak on are the storms of life in general- be it a "Sandy" or a sin spree.  Our problems could be a hurricane or a hurting heart, devastating winds or demolished dreams, property damage or the loss of a loved one.  

Jesus promised in John 16 that there would be suffering in this life- it's one of the few promises that I don't hear people 'taking hold' of during their faith declarations...  
Yet in the midst of the sufferings of this life we can have the 'peace of God, which surpasses all understanding'. 
(Philippians 4:7)

Not after the storm passes, not prior to the storm touching down- there is peace in the midst of the storms of this life.  In the very center of the madness and chaos, in the moment when you should feel NOTHING but despair; in that very moment Jesus doesn't promise a guaranteed deliverance or a certain freedom, Jesus promises peace!

Be it hurricane Sandy or hurricane cancer, be it the frankenstorm or the failures of sin.  Storms are small compared to our giant God.  His peace can comfort us even in the presence of stormy moments.

Consider God in the midst of your next storm; be it Hurricane Sandy or a major life change- next time you face a storm don't bother telling God how big your storm is.  STAND FIRM AND REMEMBER THE ONE WHO GAVE ALL FOR YOU.

When you set aside the fears of the moment and focus on the face of God 
He will give peace in the midst of your sufferings.