or stand as a point of stark contrast by shining as a bright light.

Imagine a man who is rotting from within. Yet, the man is fully unaware of his condition. He may see some signs on the exterior. Perhaps he notices a skin blemish or a low grade fever. He imagines that something small may be wrong, but assumes that he can fix it himself or take a tylenol in order to eradicate his condition. The man needs a trained eye who has studied the medical texts in order to point out the acute interior condition for him.
Without that assistance he will continue on with life as usual, fully unaware of what is truly wrong with him.
One day the man sees a small blotch on his skin and decides to go to a doctor. Once he arrives at the office, the doctor tells him all about this amazing medicine and the wonderful benefits that it will provide to the man. This medicine is incredible. The doctor even goes on to tell the man that the medicine is FREE of charge! He then asks the man if he would like the medicine and the man thinks to himself, "Well who wouldn't?" "It gives me a million benefits and costs nothing, why wouldn't I want it?"
The man takes the medicine home and sets it on the shelf in case he should some day feel the need for medicine. Perhaps the man even tries to apply the medicine, but his life stays the same. The blotches don't go away. In fact, though it may have been covered for a period, his condition is now even worse than before.
1- The man stood in front of a trained eye which saw that he was sick, but the doctor never told the man about his interior condition. The doctor only spoke to the man about the exterior signs which the man already knew about. He did not inform the man of the interior rotting which was taking place. Therefore, the man left knowing that a medicine existed, but he never knew his deep and urgent need for that medicine.
2- The man wasn't ever told how the medicine works. He heard about it and it's wonderful benefits, but he never heard what it actually did or how it worked. He was told about the miracle drug but never found out why he needed it or how to apply it in his life. He may have tried applying it as a cream, but never really knew that his issue wasn't a skin condition- it was an interior condition; and if he wasn't changed from the inside out then he would have remained sick forever.
3- The man wasn't told about the side-effects that the medicine would give him. He assumed he'd go home and live happily ever after- he didn't hear the FDA disclaimer which is so prevalent in today's pharmaceutical commercials. He only knew the benefits, but never heard about the cost. He couldn't make an educated decision because he was never actually educated about the medicine. He heard about the benefits but left fully unaware of the personal risks.
We have heard about the cross, but no one told us about the immense personal cost. We heard about the joy, but no one mentioned the tribulations. We've been told about grace, bit no one mentioned God's wrath. We've been told that we're saved, but no one had told us what we've been saved from or saved into. We have heard that Jesus will free us but no one told us He wants to change us. We've been told that God wants to hear our prayers, but we haven't been told that God demands to see our holiness.
Someone once said that half of the gospel only produces half of a Christian. And the Lord said that if we're lukewarm He will vomit us from His mouth. Therefore half of the gospel only produces luke warm vomit.
Rev. Stephen Hill (of the Brownsville revival) is just coming out of a long battle with cancer that nearly cost him his life. In the midst of he and his family's hardest hour is when God shined the brightest. In the center of darkness is when God showed Himself to be most faithful. So it is with the gospel- if we do not know the bad news, we cannot understand the Good News!
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